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Lukes Coffee Shop

Not your average coffee shop.


In the competitive landscape of coffee shops, Luke's Coffee Shop sought to redefine its brand identity, aiming for a look and feel that truly encapsulated the essence of its unique community-oriented atmosphere.

We embarked on a mission to craft a visual identity that would elevate Luke's beyond the traditional coffee shop experience, creating a lasting impact on its audience.

Design Exploration and Implementation

Collaborating closely with Luke's team, our agency embarked on a comprehensive design exploration to create a brand identity that would resonate with a broad audience. Our strategy involved incorporating distinctive colors and dynamic visual elements into the word mark, aligning with Luke's goals of fostering a warm and welcoming environment.

The playful and edgy design elements seamlessly complemented Luke's vision, contributing to the brand's overall identity. By highlighting the community-centric aspect, we aimed to engage a demographic of teens and young adults, forging a connection that would extend beyond the mere consumption of coffee.

Measurable Impact and Outcomes

The rollout of Luke's new brand identity marked an immediate and significant upturn in the coffee shop's fortunes. Foot traffic and sales experienced a notable surge, with customers gravitating toward the unique and playful design elements that set Luke's apart. The newfound sense of community embedded in the brand identity served as a catalyst for positive engagement.

The impact extended beyond the physical space, with the brand standing out in a saturated market and solidifying its position as a leader in the coffee industry. The collaboration between our agency and Luke's Coffee Shop resulted in a brand identity that resonated authentically with the target audience, creating a meaningful connection and enriching the overall customer experience.

Future Growth and Development

Building on this success, Luke's Coffee Shop now stands poised for further expansion and growth. Our ongoing collaboration involves strategically refining the brand to adapt to emerging market trends while maintaining the core community values that have proven to be the driving force behind the brand's success. As a design agency, we remain committed to nurturing Luke's Coffee Shop as it continues to thrive in a dynamic and competitive industry.

Lumina transformed our ideas into visual magic

Melissa Hooper

Melissa Hooper

Founder & CEO @ Lukes Coffee Shop
Let’s co-create something amazing
NOTE: We do have a minimum budget requirement at Lumina® and do not take on all clients. If you do not have a solid budget, a range would help us understand if we are the right fit initially.
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Creative Direction: Ryan Harricharan
UX/UI Design: Ryan Harricharan
Development: Aryan Dhiman
3D & Motion: 3D & Motion:
© 2023 Lumina Studio® , LLC. All Rights Reserved