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A brand based around beauty and innovation.


Embarking on a mission to encapsulate Paradox's unwavering dedication to natural and effective skincare solutions, our goal was to craft a visual identity that resonated with a discerning audience—individuals who value sophistication and prioritize their well-being. Our design aimed to highlight the brand's unique selling proposition, showcasing the use of premium, natural ingredients.

The Outcome

In close collaboration with the Paradox team, our creative synergy culminated in a visual identity that not only met their objectives but also seamlessly aligned with their core values. The centerpiece of our design is a distinctive logo mark, an abstract fusion of the sun and a leaf. This symbiotic representation epitomizes Paradox's commitment to a natural and organic skincare approach. Our carefully curated color palette, featuring neutral tones and subdued pinks and purples, imparts a sense of sophistication and tranquility. Complementing this, our chosen typography reflects a clean and modern aesthetic, mirroring the brand's emphasis on effectiveness and quality.

The Impact

The impact of the new visual identity on Paradox has been transformative. Across all marketing channels—from the website to social media profiles—the brand now boasts a clear and cohesive image. The logo mark, with its nuanced symbolism, has become an emblem of recognition and memorability, fostering trust among customers. Our thoughtfully selected color palette and typography contribute to a serene and inviting aesthetic, reinforcing Paradox's commitment to natural and effective skincare solutions. In a fiercely competitive market, the revamped visual identity has elevated Paradox's brand perception, setting it apart as a beacon of quality and authenticity.

Key Achievements:

  • Clear and cohesive brand image establishment
  • Instantly recognizable logo mark for enhanced brand recognition
  • Calming and inviting aesthetic contributing to positive brand perception
  • Reinforced commitment to natural and effective skincare solutions

Our collaboration with Paradox stands as a testament to the power of thoughtful design in creating lasting brand impressions. Through meticulous attention to detail and a keen understanding of our client's vision, we have not only met but exceeded expectations, leaving an indelible mark on the skincare industry.

Our website conversion rates before were 30% Lumina just doubled it.

Brooke Millstead

Brooke Millstead

Co-Founder & CEO @ Paradox
Let’s co-create something amazing
NOTE: We do have a minimum budget requirement at Lumina® and do not take on all clients. If you do not have a solid budget, a range would help us understand if we are the right fit initially.
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Creative Direction: Ryan Harricharan
UX/UI Design: Ryan Harricharan
Development: Aryan Dhiman
3D & Motion: 3D & Motion:
© 2023 Lumina Studio® , LLC. All Rights Reserved